ENV 831b () / 2021-2022




本研究研讨会以真正跨学科的方式探讨社会与自然资源之间的关系。这一节的重点是社会和综合/跨学科科学/理解和政策的基础(哲学的、方法的和实用的)。我们演示一个主要的案例应用。虽然讨论会的具体主题每年都不相同,但一致的基本主题是审查各社会如何组织自己、如何使用自然资源和如何影响其环境。在过去的几年里,研讨会的重点是能源与环境、跨学科问题解决、环境心理学和社会学。我们也关注领导力(领导者和领导者的关系)。嘉宾和学生每周进行演讲和讨论。阅读,积极参与和学生论文是必需的。研讨会主要关注通过机构寻求利用自然资源价值的人们。这种关系(人、价值、自然资源和机构)已经在不同的领域被广泛地著述和讨论。 A few years ago, the seminar examined the relationship of human dignity as a universal value goal, professionalism and practice, and sustainability as an applied notion. Other versions of the seminar have looked at conceptual (theoretical) models about society and natural resources from policy sciences, social ecology, political ecology, and other knowledge areas. Still other seminars focused on “Bridging Local and Professional Knowledge in Environmental Sustainability” and “War and the Environment.” Topic for this year’s seminar to be determined.